Strange Academy

Strange Academy - Teresa Wilde from

Ok, well, I loved this book. It was fun and mysterious. The magical world they live in is easily woven into the world Sadie was used to, a non-paranormal one. Sadie deals with a lot in this story: the guilt of not having a better relationship with her aunt, the guilt of denying so many truths of her family and those at the school because it seemed too impossible to comprehend, and who she really is. Sadie was a great heroine. She was strong, funny, smart, and didn't give up on finding out what happened to her aunt. I liked her a lot. I felt her storyline was one that a lot of people will relate to.

Gray was sexy as hell. He did frustrate me a lot in the beginning, but he came around in the end and swooning did happen. He was a pain in the ass about the whole "family first/ no nons." For a lot of the book, I felt like he was using Sadie and maybe that's how it was in the beginning, but I think he surprised himself. He gets a little preachy/racist with the whole "non's" thing. For someone who apparently was supposed to protect them, he didn't respect them a whole lot. He changes in the end and I really like how the author did this because it could have been a real cop-out if he found out the "big news" about Sadie before making his decision. Good on you, Ms. Wilde!

I loved all the secondary characters too. They really added a humorous flavor overall. I kind of wish this was a series, in all honesty, because I really want to read more about this world. Maybe Sterling's story? How about Carmina? I would definitely like a story for those two kids.

Would I recommend this? Uhhhh yep! I'm also going to be keeping an eye out for future books by this author. I'm a fan!! ARC received in exchange for honest review.